
About us

HOLO. is a research hub that connects experts with knowledge and experience about impact assessment. HOLO.

  • is a professional community that was established by social scientists in order to bridge the gap between research and practice.
  • is a network that ensures a place for everybody who is interested in the social, economic or environmental impacts of various initiatives. We work together with economists, statisticians, experts of social policy, social workers, organisational and community developers, social workers, mediators and psychologists.
  • is an interface where customers can meet consultants and research experts.


Under preparation

  • The Artemisszio Foundation initiated a training program aimed at developing intercultural competencies of health workers. Our research project analysed the main structural problems of the Hungarian healthcare system and the challenges health workers face. Based on our findings, the Foundation was able to design a training curriculum that fully met the needs of the target group.
  • The Utopia Civic Association ought to tailor messages about equal opportunities to specific target groups. Slogans of a nationwide campaign were tested with focus groups. The results supported the Association in fine-tuning the slogans and taglines and initiating a successful cross-media campaign.  
  • Our consultants conducted a research project that aimed at analysing the living conditions of young drug users and at-risk youth in Budapest’s Magdolna quarter. The results supported our client, the Megálló Group, in gaining reliable information about specific subcultures and thus providing needs-responsive services.

Under implementation

  • We supported the development of the impact assessment system at Gyökerek és Szárnyak Alapítvány, Skool,  Magyar Élelmiszerban Egyesület.
  • Since 2013, the Community Foundation Support Programme’s (CFSP) mission is to promote the concept of community foundations in Hungary, to inspire a national community foundation movement and to provide support in developing community foundations across Hungary. As of 2017, three foundations graduated from the CFSP’s set-up process. Achievements of this period were evaluated by HOLO. in the spring of 2017. 
  • We worked for Foresee Research Group within the framework of the EU-funded ALTERNATIVE program, which sought to identify the factors that hinder and support the establishment of trust-based relationships between mediators and those who are involved in specific conflicts. The project was implemented in close cooperation with universities and research institutions from Belgium, Norway, Serbia and the United Kingdom.

Completed projects

  • The Speak Out Association initiated the first Hungarian prison radio, Radio B. The aim of the radio is to provide information and a communication forum for prisoners that helps them to deal with conflicts, decrease tension and prepare inmates to reintegrate into society after release. Within the framework of the assessment, we measured the level of radio listening, gathered feedback from the audience on the radio and evaluated the outreach plan of the Association.
  • Open Spaces is a Hungarian network that brings together independent community spaces with civil society organizations. We supported the development of the impact assessment system, in addition, an ex-post evaluation was also implemented.
  • On behalf of the Decade of Roma Integration Program Secretariat, we gathered and analysed information about grassroots initiatives that aimed at strengthening the integration of the Roma people in the fields of education, work, housing and health. Based on the results, effective and transparent good practices from Hungary were identified.

International organisations

  • We carry out the impact assessment of the Science Shop program of Central European University, implemented between 2021 and 2023. The evaluation report about the first year is available here.
  • Youth Anti Radicalisation through Sport in Europe has a multidimensional, proactive and positive approach to radicalisation that aims to facilitate collaboration between different actors, combating isolation and helping young people from identified communities at risk to take part in sport and leisure activities. Implemented between 2020 and 2022, YARSPE was a project funded by the European Commission and implemented in the Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. We were responsible for the impact assessment of the program with our colleague from Czechia.  
  • HOLO. was responsible for the mid-term evaluation of the OSIFE-funded program that seeks to build the constituency of Hungarian NGOs. The empirical study, which drew on qualitative and quantitative research methods, identified the strengths and weaknesses of the program. Consultants of HOLO. were responsible for the preparation and implementation of the fieldwork, as well as for formulating high-level recommendations based on the findings.
  • In 2020, we conducted the impact assessment of the project "Building a sustainable changemaking ecosystem in Romania and Hungary program" which was supported by the Porticus Foundation.

Educational and state-run institutions

Under preparation

  • A formative evaluation was conducted before the implementation of the „Promoting early childhood education” program (which was financed by the European Social Fund). Due to the evaluation, we gained insight into the institutions and services that are available for the parents of 0-3 years children. The findings supported the development of the care system.
  • Within the framework of the COREPOL program, we collected information about the conflicts that arise between the Roma people and police officers and their possible solutions. The two-year-long project, which was implemented with German and Austrian universities and research institutions, contributed to the development of the curriculum of the Faculty of Law Enforcement at the National University of Public Service.
  • We contributed to the EFOP 1.2.4 coded program (“Improving the National Crisis Telephone Information Service”) by analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the Hungarian child-protection system. The findings supported the development of the training curriculum that is available for the members of the care system.

Under implementation

  • We provided an overall view of the structure and operation of the Hungarian National Talent Program by conducting a qualitative and quantitative based evaluation. The exploration was entrusted by the National Institute for Family, Youth and Population Policy. The findings assisted in the development and modification of the program.
  • On behalf of the Commissioner for Educational Rights, we examined whether universities perform their legal obligations regarding the integration of disabled students. The findings and our recommendations contributed to changes in legalisation.
  • We were responsible for the interim evaluation of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for Hungary. During the assessment, not project but program-level evaluation was realized. The research report analyses the social, political and legal context and discusses the efficiency, relevance, coherence, complementarity and sustainability of the Fund.

Completed projects 

  • On behalf of the Ministry of Interior, we evaluated the results and impacts of actions co-financed by the European Refugee Fund and European Integration Fund concerning the period 2011 to 2013. The findings supported our client in developing its management procedures and bringing process simplifications for the beneficiaries of the Fund.
  • Our colleagues supported the evaluation of the TÁMOP 5.6.3 coded program (“Multi-stage prisoner re-integration in communities and in the labour force market, including intensive aftercare”).
  • We evaluated the IHM-ITP-12 program that supported the IT development of 120 Minority Self-Governments. Due to the evaluation, we gained insight into the efficiency, weaknesses and strengths of the program.


  • On behalf of the Ministry of Interior, members of HOLO. supported the evaluation of the „Multilevel community policing network for the cooperation based crime prevention” program that was financed by the Swiss Contribution. We conducted two surveys before (n=2000) and after (n=2000) the implementation in order to measure the progress that was achieved by the program.
  • Several educational programs (e.g. TÁMOP 5.3.8, TÁMOP 5.3.10) were monitored at different times during their implementation phases. These long-term research and data-collection processes aimed at identifying the needs of the target group, at evaluating the services and the results that were achieved by the program.

For-profit organisations

Members of HOLO. supported the impact assessment of for-profit organisations as well. In the past few years, we have cooperated with Alstom Hungary, Café PR, Coca-Cola Hungary, dm-drogierie markt, Dreher Breweries, E.ON Hungary, Körber Magyarország, Magyar Posta, OTP Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, SPAR Hungary, Videoton.


Impact assessment can be applied

  • before the implementation of projects; when we usually aim at identifying the characteristics of the target group in order to set up a needs-responsive and effective program.
  • during the implementation of projects; when we are generally interested to see whether the program is indeed carried out according to the original plans. Taking the findings into consideration, priorities/activities/timelines could be changed for the sake of achieving the initial goals of the program.
  • after the implementation of projects; when we collect information about the efficiency, effectiveness, experiences and impacts of the program.

Not only projects but organisations as whole entities themselves can be in the focal point of impact assessment. In this case, we primarily aim at answering the questions: what are the societal impacts of the organisation? How successful are they in achieving their defined goals? What are the changes that have been made by the organisation? In order to answer these questions, information about the organisation (e.g. strategy, missions, goals, activities, stakeholders etc.) are analysed, appropriate research methods are applied and data is collected in order to provide evidence-based feedback.

About impact assessment, free workshops are held for NGOs in close cooperation with Mozaik Hub. About the dates of the next workshops information is available here.


Due to impact assessment

  • evidence-based feedback is provided to the management of entities about the work and impact of the organisation,
  • it is ensured that change-efforts produce successful results in meeting sustainability goals,
  • evidence based information support the setting up of cost-efficient and effective interventions/services
  • the outcomes and impacts of the organisations are proved by data, thereby the results can be easily communicated within the organisation and to stakeholders,
  • trust and engagement of the colleagues, donors and partners is strengthened,
  • the credibility of the organisation increases.


  • if you work at an NGO and you are interested in the social impact of the organisation and the changes that have been achieved by your projects.
  • if you are a responsible person at a state-run institution and would like to make an evidence-based decision before the development/modification of institutions/legalisation.
  • if you are a manager at a for-profit organisation and would like to conduct concept tests, stakeholder-mapping or strategy development.

Our services

We aim at supporting our partners in

  • needs assessment,
  • planning and implementing data collection,
  • analysis of the findings,
  • consultations.


Hungary 1125 Budapest, Kiss Áron utca. 10.

Primarily independent experts has joined HOLO. but universities, research institutions, NGOs and colleagues of market research companies also support our work. Gabor Hera is the person responsible for the coordination and implementation of impact assessments.

You can get in contact with HOLO. by filling out this form. Please, do not hesitate to write us if you have any questions!